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We Fought At Shiloh

Til Shiloh Comes

As Joseph blessed his sons in Genesis chapter forty-eight, we find the following prayer:

May the God before whom my fathers walked,
The God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day,
The Angel who has delivered me from all harm,
­­ -- may he bless these boys
May they be called by my name,
And may they increase greatly upon the earth…
And in his blessing of Judah…
The sword will not depart
Til Shiloh comes…
And unto him shall
The gathering of the people be…

How ironic that this prophecy of peace and the coming of the great Prince of Peace should also find a fulfillment of sorts at a little country church called Shiloh. And yet the many thousands who suffered and died there that bright Sunday in April also did their part to give us who come after a “peace” and a brotherhood because of their great sacrifice.

To them then, the boys who were there “delivered from ALL harm” into the bosom of their heavenly father, I dedicate this volume. May their children increase greatly upon the earth.

… til Shiloh comes…

The Sword Shall Not Depart
Til Shiloh Comes
Battle of Shiloh Hill
Timeline of the Battle of Shiloh
Principle Federal Officers
Principle Confederate Officers
Til Shiloh Comes
A Confederate Perspective
A Federal Perspective
Unto Him Shall the Gathering Be
Confederate Order of Battle
Federal Order of Battle
We Were There
Reminiscence of Shiloh
(Dr. John Cunningham)
Letter from Capt. John Trice
(Capt. John Trice)
The Battle of Shiloh
(Brig. Gen. Benjamin Mayberry Prentiss)
General Beauregard’s Report
(Gen. P. T. Beauregard)
General Grant’s Report
(Gen. Ulysses S. Grant)
General McCook’s Report
(Brig. Gen. Alexander McD McCook)
Battle of Shiloh Poem
(Author Unknown)
The Battle of Shiloh
(Col. Wills De Haas)
What I Saw of Shiloh
(Ambrose Pierce)
The Battle of Shiloh
(Gen. U. S. Grant)

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