Alabama, Her History, Resources, War record, and Public Men: from 1540 to 1872


Alabama, Her History, Resources, War record, and Public Men: from 1540 to 1872

From the Preface

This volume is a collection of such facts in relation to the present and past of Alabama as best deserve preservation. Almost every State of the Federal Union has one or more volumes devoted to alike purpose; but the task has not heretofore been attempted in this State in the enlarged scope here presented. The result may be to familiarize the people with many events and facts which should not escape the memory of Alabamians.

The peaceful era through which the State has passed leaves scant material for the annalist. It is with the glowing incidents of war and turbulence that the' stately structure of history is reared. From what has transpired of such events the author has sifted the facts of most general interest. And the more striking features of the civil administration have also been winnowed from the mass with some care.

No book about Alabama would be tolerated which failed to note her wondrous natural advantages, and this has been done herein so far as general statements will convey ideas.

To swell out the volume with matter of interest, much memoranda is adduced relating to the public men of the State. Analysis, or delineation of character and talents, is not attempted, but the current and popular estimate of these persons is appended. There has been no invidious selection of individuals for remembrance in this way, but all have been included of any considerable prominence in the State, at any time, in any vocation. Notoriety being the guide ha the case, the more eminent personages could not be ignored even if such a desire had existed. Of many of these, only a meagre record could be obtained ; of others, very full sketches are at hand; but justice required that a procrustean bed should be made, and something approximating to equal space has been devoted to those of like prominence, with a due consideration of all the circumstances.

With considerable difficulty a record of the achievements, of Alabamians in war has been gathered ; a feature of the work which will be mentioned more at length in the latter part of the volume.

The mere entertainment of the reader's idle hour was not a consideration with the author. As a work of reference, however, he has striven to make it indispensable to the intelligent Alabamian. Being a collection of facts, its merit depends upon the variety and accuracy of its statements, and the taste with which they are arrayed. Errors have probably crept into such a large number of facts ; but, whatever else may be alleged of the volume, every effort has been made to perfect it that could reasonably be expected.


Chapter I. The Spanish inroad
Chapter II. The Indian tribes of Alabama
Chapter III. The French colonization and wars, and the British and Spanish occupancy
Chapter IV. The first territorial organizations, and the great Indian War
Chapter V. Alabama as a territory, and a cursory review of her condition in 1820
Chapter VI. From the year 1820 to the year 1840
Chapter VII. From the year 1840 to the year 1860
Chapter VIII. From the year 1860 to the year 1872
Chapter IX. The rivers...
Chapter XI
Chapter X
Chapter XI. The county of Auauga
Chapter XII. The county of Baker
Chapter XIII. The county of Baldwin
Chapter XIV. The county of Barbour
Chapter XV. The county of Bibb
Chapter XVI. The county of Blount
Chapter XVII. The county of Bullock
Chapter XVIII. The county of Butler
Chapter XIX. The county of Calhoun
Chapter XX. The county of Chambers
Chapter XXI. The county of Cherokee
Chapter XXII. The county of Chocta
Chapter XXIII. The county of Clarke
Chapter XXIV. The county of Clay
Chapter XXV. The county of Cleburne
Chapter XXVI. The county of Coffee
Chapter XXVII. The county of Colbert
Chapter XXVIII. The county of Conecuh
Chapter XXIX. The county of Coosa
Chapter XXX. The county of Covington
Chapter XXXI. The county of Crenshaw
Chapter XXXII. The county of Dale
Chapter XXXIII. The county of Dallas
Chapter XXXIV. The county of Dekalb
Chapter XXXV. The county of Elmore
Chapter XXXVI. The county of Escambia
Chapter XXXVII. The county of Etowa, or Baine
Chapter XXXVIII. The county of Fayette
Chapter XXXIX. The county of Franklin
Chapter XL. The county of Geneva
Chapter XLI. The county of Greene
Chapter XLII. The county of Hale
Chapter XLIII. The county of Henry
Chapter XLIV. The county of Jackson
Chapter XLV. The county of Jefferson
Chapter XLVI. The county of Lauderdale
Chapter XLVII. The county of Lawrence
Chapter XLVIII. The county of Lee
Chapter XLIX. The county of Limestone
Chapter L. The county of Lowndes
Chapter LI. The county of Macon
Chapter LII. The county of Madison
Chapter LIII. The county of Marengo
Chapter LIV. The county of Marion
Chapter LV. The county of Marshall
Chapter LVI. The county of Mobile
Chapter LVII. The county of Monroe
Chapter LVIII. The county of Montgomery
Chapter LIX. The county of Morgan
Chapter LX. The county of Perry
Chapter LXI. The county of Pickens
Chapter LXII. The county of Pike
Chapter LXIII. The county of Randolph
Chapter LXIV. The county of Russell
Chapter LXV. The county of Sanford or Jones
Chapter LXVI. The county of Shelby
Chapter LXVII. The county of Saint Clair
Chapter LXVIII. The county of Sumter
Chapter LXIX. The county of Talladega
Chapter LXX. The county of Tallapoosa
Chapter LXXI. The county of Tuskaloosa
Chapter LXXII. The county of Walker
Chapter LXXIII. The county of Washington
Chapter LXXIV. The county of Wilcox
Chapter LXXV. The county of Winston
The war record







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