California 3rd Infantry Regiment

The California 3rd Infantry Regiment Organized at Stockton and Benicia Barracks September 15 to December 3, 1861. Attached to Districts of California and Utah, Department. of the Pacific. Duty at Benicia Barracks until July, 1862. OFFICERS: ASSIGNMENTS: March via Fort Churchill and Ruby Valley to Utah to protect Overland mall route July to November. Scouts from Fort Churchill, Nevada., to Honey Lake Valley, California., November 3-29, 1862. Expedition from Fort Ruby, Nevada, to Sierra Nevada Mountains November 22-27, 1862 (Co. "F"). Skirmish on Bear River, Utah, January 26, 1863 (Co. "K"). Engagement on Bear River January 29 (Co. "K"). Expedition from Camp Douglas to Soda Springs, on Bear River, Idaho, May 5-30, 1863 (Co. "H"). Duty at Camp Douglas, Camp Connor and in the District of Utah until July, 1866. Mustered out July 27, 1866. ROSTER: The roster of this unit contains the names of 1849 men.
  • Company "A" - At Fort Terwah and Fort Baker, Humboldt District, operating against Indians, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 23, thence to Stockton and to Camp Union, Sacramento, November 17. To Fort Churchill and duty there until October, 1863. Ordered to Camp Douglas, Utah, and rejoin Regiment.
  • Company "B" - At Fort Bragg, Humboldt District, operating against Indians, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 23, thence to Stockton, and to Camp Union, Sacramento, November 17, and duty there until June, 1863. Ordered to Camp Douglass, Utah, and rejoin Regiment.
  • Company "D" - At Fort Gaston, Humboldt District, operating against Indians, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Skirmish, Light Prairie, near Arcata, August 21, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 23, thence to Stockton and to Camp Union, Sacramento, November 17, and duty there until June, 1863. Ordered to Camp Douglas, Utah, and join Regiment.

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